Experiences You May Want to be Aware Of – Karen Kohama

For those of you who are still wary about microdosing and the effects, here are some people who have tried it. After reading through some of these, I hope you have a better understanding of microdosing and eliminate the inner stigma you may have about it. Or maybe, you or someone you care about are in the midst of dealing with some of the mental problems that these people have dealt with too. 

Listed below are just some anonymously reported experiences that REAL people have had with microdosing. 

Microdosing in daily life: 

“I dose 10 mcg LSD twice per week. I came to this amount by administering doses at 5 mcg intervals within the following range [5–25]. I have found that 10 mcg is the most beneficial. Any more and I’m a little too impressionable to (be) distracted, any less and there’s no benefit.”

“In the last year, I have been experimenting with LSD microdoses quite frequently. But in the past two months, I have gone from taking it every third day to every day. What amazes me is the fact that I don’t seem to feel any tolerance build up at all.”

As you can see, the amount of psychedelics they are taking are very small and they can avoid building the tolerance or dependence on the drug by consuming it only every other day or twice a week. The amount of times per week depends on the individual and they find out their personal doses by experimenting in their own times. Microdosing to treat mental illness is a trial and error process, so an individual must be aware of these precautions. 


“I experimented with microdosing mushrooms, but went a bit too far with 0.25 g while at work. I don’t know if it was because of the situation, my empty stomach or because I was extra sensitive during that period – but I started tripping quite noticeably! Fortunately it turned out alright. At this level of dosage the peak only lasts for about an hour.”

“I was feeling very tired and had a martial arts class to attend for the first time, so I didn’t want to make a bad impression. This was my second time microdosing shrooms, and I dosed around 0.25–0.35 g a few hours before in an attempt to peak well before the class and still just be stimulated and in a good positive mood for it. This backfired massively as I had a large meal around the time of dosing and it only really kicked in once I got to the class. I found it very hard to follow instructions and had a huge body load.”

Of course, there are precautions that one must take when microdosing. After all, they are drugs and therefore could lead to the same effects drugs have on our body including dependence. However, an individual needs to check with their own body to see what their body can handle for microdosing and experiment frequently when they start out. The two individuals that shared their stories both share mistakes that they made when experimenting and can offer insight and possible solutions to those who are interested in microdosing or are in the midst of experimenting.


Johnstad, P. G. (n.d.). Powerful substances in tiny amounts: An interview study of psychedelic microdosing – Petter Grahl Johnstad, 2018. Retrieved March 9, 2020, from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1455072517753339