General Positives of Microdosing – Karen Kohama

You’re saying that microdosing can be used as an alternative to medication to treat mental illness? Yes. That is exactly what we are saying. From the numerous studies that have been conducted, there is a list of positive effects that patients and people have been experiencing throughout their journey with microdosing. 

  1. Alleviate anxiety and depression
  2. Increase perception
  3. Increase creativity levels
  4. Lower dependence on other drugs like alcohol
  5. Betters their mood
  6. Sharpens focus
  7. Improves outlook on life
  8. Becomes more optimistic
  9. Improves outcomes from people suffering from PTSD


Johnstad, P. G. (n.d.). Powerful substances in tiny amounts: An interview study of psychedelic microdosing – Petter Grahl Johnstad, 2018. Retrieved March 9, 2020, from