To The PolicyMakers

-Ryan He

Policymakers have to be aware of the current times and create laws or policies that change with the modern world. This extends to the medical field. Through many small clinical tests, researchers have found great therapeutic potential in psychedelics that can earn them a spot in the medical field as a legitimate treatment option. But the legal status of these drugs amongst other things such as ethicality prevents large scale testing. When many small tests all show similar results, it is safe to say that the results are reliable, but a large scale test can further solidify and bolster the benefits of incorporating psychedelics into clinical settings. With a growing number of people suffering from mental illnesses, having a new possible treatment plan is something that should not be overlooked. The healthcare system must keep up with the latest knowledge on psychedelics because sooner or later, patients are going to be asking their doctors about psychedelic-assisted treatment, and the doctors should be able to offer accurate information to the patient. In order to do so, policymakers must acknowledge the growing evidence in the field of psychedelic medicine and make new policies in response. That way, the healthcare system can offer the most up to date options to the public. To be unaware of the new emerging healthcare options is the same as doing a disservice to the general public.